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About Me

I was born in Ethiopia to a religious family who didn’t listen to secular music. I was adopted at three years old and moved to Cambridge, Mass. It only took about a week for me to fall in love with music, and I was jumping on the couch listening to songs and yelling lyrics from the back seat of the car even though I didn’t speak English, and I had my own playlist of favorite songs by the time I turned four.



I saw “Up,” my first movie in a theater, about a month after arriving in Boston, and I fell in love again–this time with movies. I couldn’t speak English, but I could understand the stories through the music and the animation.



School was hard for me. I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was in second grade and transferred to a school for dyslexic kids the next year. My music teacher introduced me to GarageBand, and it changed my world. I was able to create the music I kept hearing. As time passed, I became more articulate with music and began to improve the quality of my compositions. During the summer of 2021, I took a course on film scoring at Hartt School of Music, and I finally understood what I wanted to do with music. Now I spend my free time stripping trailers and movie scenes of their original score and composing new scores for the scenes.



I love being able to evoke emotions through my music, and the best way to do that for me is by scoring trailers. In addition to scoring, I also play piano and drums in a rock band at school and compose my own songs. Music brings me happiness and makes my life fuller. My dream is to be able to use my passion to bring joy to others the same way it has brought joy to me.

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